Monday, February 10, 2014

February Musings

Usually on Mondays at this time I am Sitting at my desk at work trying not to look at the clock and mulling over what I want for lunch as my stomach begins to growl.
 This Monday I am lucky enough to have off as it is the slowest time of year at the office. Its another freezing day in Wisconsin. A high of only 7! Brrrrrr.
 This winter has been particularly harsh. Not so much with snow but, with horrible and freezing temps that dip to -40 with wind chills. Its nearly the middle of February and everything is still frozen and hushed. There is about 3 to 4 feet of snow piled up around every ones mailboxes. Its a mini Antarctica on my street...well everyone in the state for that matter!
 But, despite all the horrible weather I feel an odd kinship with this month that I have never felt before.
I think its perhaps because January was so horrible and dark. It truly felt like an endless and frozen night that would go on forever. When the months changed soon as it happened...a change. The sunlight seems slightly more golden. The birds have begun to sing again in the mornings. My heart nearly Burst when I first heard them. It was a sign. A faint sign perhaps but, a sign....that winter has begun to weaken. Even if its just a smidgen. February has given me hope that winter really will end. Even as I type this I look out my window at the clear blue sky. It still has that winter blue color but, it is a deeper hue than January. I even see some birds flying from tree to tree and the wind is calm today. Spring will come again.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Red Tent Night

About 2 months ago, 2 girlfriends and I decided to start a girls only night once a month. A night reserved for celebrating being....a women. In a culture where women are pitted against each other in an endless battle of beauty , brains and body women I feel are taught at a young age to view each other as instant rivals. To take each other down instead of helping each other on this difficult journey called life.
Our inspiration Came from a book called The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. A book set in Bible times. A book about the the women of the tribes of Jacob and Esau. Its a beautiful Story. Full of lost tradition and myth. of the burden of being a women. Of the joys of being a women. A tale of life and death....and life again. Being Born. Living. Breathing. Dying. Crying. A tale of...a womens Cycle and the beauty of it. The symbolism of it. It celebrates the power we have as life givers.
 My friends Anna and Kelly take turns hosting one night a month. On this Night as in the book we give ourselves up to celebrating our inner lionesses. For praying for one another. Listening to the burdens and joys we are each going thru. For feasting and drinking red wine. We each bring a dish. Usualy there is cheese and fruit in abundance. My Fellow lioness Anna makes an amazing chicken curry dish that is usualy in demand. There is always tea and sweets afterwards.
One of the most looked forward to events of the nights is the lighting of the sage. we each light a sage stick and dance to Lorenna Mckennet. Twirling round and round. Sometimes with scarves. Its so freeing. This is a night we all come together to heal and revive our hearts. we bare our souls. We light candles and say a blessing for each girls.
We have all come to love this night. Its a night of true kindreds. Of women coming together and celebrating being a women. Celebrating friendship. Celebrating life. Here are a few more peaks into our Red Tent Night.

The Lighting of the sage.
Anna lighting 3 candles. 1 for 3 women who have somehow been a blessing and a mentor/Inspiration to her life. we all take turns doing this.
Our after dinner sweets. Tea,Scones,Biscuits and Fruit!